AT Safety n US we are passionate about education, and believe imparting knowledge and sharing wisdom preapres our children for the world ahead of them. We also believe sharing knowledge with the village the raises them too, so we take care to have resources for parents, and for young adults as well. We affirm the belief that everyone, at any age has the capacity to grow and be better for it.
These are some of the few key issues we are passionate about as we impart cybersecurity knowledge to youth and adults.
Everyone must be aware of basic internet security, especially when chatting and browsing.
Cyberbullying takes place over digital devices like cell phones, computers, and tablets. Cyberbullying can occur through SMS, Text, and apps, or online in social media, forums, or gaming where people can view, participate in, or share content. We encourage all internet users to desist from online violence.
We encourage everyone to be friendly and be each other's keeper online, as if there were right infront of you.
According to statistics, cyberbullying is mainly affecting the girl child greatly than a boy child. Parents must monitor and be accountable for their children's activities online. They must work tirelessly towards protection of their kids online.
Technology must be a tool for good that benefits all who use it, not a weapon to fight, steal from, or destroy others.
Inclusive Education means we incorporate every child regardless of gender, race, sex, cultural differences and disability.
As you already know, we are passionate about information dissemination, and believe it powers growth and change for the better. Please enjoy some of our publications.